Contact Lens Fitting

Contact lenses are a safe and practical alternative to prescription glasses. We use advanced tools and technology to find the right fit of contact lenses including regular and custom lenses.

During the contact lens fitting appointment, we will take precise measurements to find the curvature and size of the contact lens that matches your eyes. This will ensure a comfortable and seamless fit, while maintaining optimal visual clarity.

Book a contact lens eye exam

Range of Soft Contact Lenses

We offer a large selection of contact lenses to meet any of your visual needs and modality.

ModalityLens TypeBenefit
Daily (most popular)Spherical, astigmatism, multi-focal, colouredEase of handling and low risk of infection
Bi-weeklySpherical, astigmatism, multi-focalGreat balance between daily and monthly
MonthlySpherical, astigmatism, multi-focal, colouredLongevity and durability

ClearLight Eyecare Solutions for Contact Lenses

  1. Best fit – We will perform the required tests to prescribe the correct fit and type of contact lens for you.
  2. Try before you buy – We will provide you with trial contact lenses so that you can get used to wearing them before you buy.
  3. Proper maintenance – We will teach you disinfection and cleaning techniques to take care of the contacts, so they last longer and feel comfortable.
  4. Best quality – We carry the highest quality brands in the industry, so you can rest assured that your eyes will stay healthy and safe with our products.

Questions About Your Eyes?

Schedule a contact lens fitting session at ClearLight Eyecare soon and our doctors will find the best-suited contact lenses for you.

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